Lambert TVSL going forward - your UK transport partner and more ...


Lambert TVSL takes care of your transports to and from England.

We work together with our regular partners to transport your loads, both full and part loads. 

With our in-house expertise, we provide appropriate transport to England, either via the ferry service or via the shuttle


The impact of the Brexit is felt everywhere, including in the transport sector.

Imports and exports from the European Union have increased enormously in terms of additional administrative obligations due to the consequences of the Brexit.

Customs processes, registrations and customs clearances will be required to transport your goods from 2021 onwards. These formalities are complex and Lambert TVSL can provide the appropriate services.

In order to make the administration run smoothly for the customer, we need some important necessary data

EORI number =  Unique identification number linked to your company or person to record customs transactions. This number is used in all customs procedures to exchange information with the customs administration.



Your goods exported to or imported from the UK must be cleared through customs by first registering them and then clearing them. All documents containing the details of the goods and additional documents must be submitted. Lambert TVSL can certainly assist you in this process. 

Which data is required: 

    1. data sender
      • name/address/place
      • EORI-number
      • VAT-number
    2. data receiver
      • name/address/place
      • EORI-number
      • VAT-number
    3. specific (!) description of the goods
    4. type of load carriers: pallet, box, drum, ...

    5. weight and dimensions

    6. country of origin

    7. HS codes = worldwide uniform code for classifying products

    8. Incoterms = International Commercial Terms are worldwide delivery conditions (E-F-C-D)

      value of the goods: amount + currency

This necessary information can usually be found on the invoice and on the packing list. These documents also need to be added if we need to do the registration.

MRN = Movement Reference Number, serves as proof that the customs declaration (in/out) has been made. We need 2 MRNs: 


    1. EU MRN (export of import)
    2. UK MRN (import of export) 

*all this is subject to changing legislation


Lambert TVSL works via the data-sharing platform RX/SEAPORT which allows us to exchange data and information in a secure way via the port of Zeebrugge.

By using this platform we have access to the track&trace dashboard to get timely insights into the various statuses.

The "green light" checks also allow us to check very easily whether the booking and the customs documents are known and to quickly update any missing data. 

Through the E-Desk we can pre-notify customs data and get a permanent up-to-date status to inform our customers.